الرئيسية / منوعات / بريطاني يقطع أذنيه ليتشبه بـ”الببغاء”!
Ted Richards, 56, from Hartcliffe in Bristol, who has had his ears taken off so he can look more like his Parrot. August 16 2015. See SWNS story SWPARROT; A man who had his face and eyeballs tattooed to look like his pet parrots has gone a step further - by cutting off his EARS. Bonkers Ted Richards, 56, is obsessed by pets Ellie, Teaka, Timneh, Jake and Bubi and has his face tattooed with colourful feathers. But the animal nut - who has 110 tattoos, 50 piercings and a split tongue - has now had both his ears removed by a surgeon in a six hour operation. Eccentric Ted has given his severed ears to a friend who "will appreciate them" and is now planning to find a surgeon prepared to turn his nose into a BEAK.

بريطاني يقطع أذنيه ليتشبه بـ”الببغاء”!

خضع رجل من مدينة “بريستول” البريطانية لعملية جراحية استغرقت 6 ساعات لقطع أذنيه، حتى يتشبه بالببغاوات.

وحسبما ذكرت صحيفة “مترو” البريطانية يمتلك تيد ريتشارد 110 وشوم و50 ثقبا من أجل التشبه بالببغاء، إلا أنه خضع لتلك العملية حتى يبدو أشبه بطيوره أكثر، حيث يعيش مع 4 ببغاوات، إضافة إلى سحلية إغوانا من أمريكا الجنوبية.‏

وقد منح ريتشاردز أذنيه المقطوعتين إلى أحد أصدقائه، وقال إن ذلك يبدو رائعا، وإن ذلك أفضل شيء حدث له في حياته، مضيفا أنه سعيد جدا بالأمر، ولا يستطيع التوقف عن النظر إلى نفسه في المرآة.‏

ويخطط ريتشاردز الملقب بالرجل الببغاء إلى تحويل أنفه إلى منقار.‏





Ted Richards, 56, from Hartcliffe in Bristol, who has had his ears taken off so he can look more like his Parrot. August 16 2015.  See SWNS story SWPARROT; A man who had his face and eyeballs tattooed to look like his pet parrots has gone a step further - by cutting off his EARS. Bonkers Ted Richards, 56, is obsessed by pets Ellie, Teaka, Timneh, Jake and Bubi and has his face tattooed with colourful feathers. But the animal nut - who has 110 tattoos, 50 piercings and a split tongue - has now had both his ears removed by a surgeon in a six hour operation. Eccentric Ted has given his severed ears to a friend who "will appreciate them" and is now planning to find a surgeon prepared to turn his nose into a BEAK.

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